Things to do after teeth whitening

Things to do after teeth whitening:

Nowadays, we can whiten our teeth brighter and faster using teeth whitening services in the dental clinic. The process will not only take you more than an hour, but you will not have to prepare anything more than brushing your teeth. Clean teeth before undergoing teeth whitening.

These are the things you should do during the first 1-2 days after teeth whitening.

  1. During the first 2 days, you should avoid drinking dark-colored drinks, such as tea, coffee, red wine, soda, fruit juices and alcoholic beverages. Because the color from these drinks will make the teeth color yellow easily. If unavoidable, it is recommended to use straws to drink or brushing teeth immediately after drinking
  2. During the first 2 days, avoid foods with dark colors, because the color from these foods will make the teeth color yellow easily, this includes tomato sauce, soy sauce, chocolate and berries. If unavoidable, it is recommended to brush your teeth immediately after eating.
  3. You should not smoke during the first 1-2 days after teeth whitening. Because the nicotine stains in cigarettes will easily stick to the tooth surface. If cannot stop, then brush your teeth after smoking
  4. Do not use toothpaste and mouthwash with color during the first 24 hours after teeth whitening
  5. After bleaching, we should take care to clean teeth by brushing teeth. And use dental floss regularly. Follow the dentist’s instructions strictly to maintain the whiteness of the teeth for as long as possible
  6. If you want more your teeth to be whiter. You can use home whitening kits at home to maintain the whiteness of your teeth.
  7. Dental health checks ups should be done regularly every 6-12 months as per the dentist’s instructions.


“Beautiful teeth, Bright smile, Quality service”
Dental Clinic, Orthodontic Clinic, Skytrain Dental Group

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