Ways to Care for the Mouth Wearing Removable Dentures
Removable denture is an important prosthetic device used to replace missing teeth. These can be partial dentures or full arch dentures. To maintain good oral hygiene, dentures must be properly cleaned. Properly cleaning dentures will maintain its pristine look, without stains and dirt, and will last for a long time.
Here are several steps to consider:
1. After every meal, you must remove the dentures to clean it under running water to wash away food particles that may be stuck. Afterwards, place it on a towel at a safe place, to avoid the risk of dropping and damaging it.
2. When removing dentures, handle it with care. Do not squeeze, twist or apply too much force, as this can cause the plastic to break, especially while washing it.
3. After removing the denture, clean your mouth using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Brush your natural teeth, tongue, cheeks, palate and gums with soft-bristled toothbrush and thoroughly remove all food debris in the mouth.
4. Clean your dentures with a toothbrush at least once a day. Remove the denture from the mouth, rinse with water and then use a toothbrush to gently scrub. You can also use a denture washer.
5. Dentists usually recommend taking off dentures before sleeping. When dentures are not in use, soak it in water or use denture soaking solution. It should not be left to dry. Follow dentist’s instruction and product recommendations on how long you need to soak denture in the solution.
6. Before putting back the denture into the mouth, always wash it first, especially with dentures that have been soaked in denture cleansers. Most denture cleaners contain chemicals which may be harmful to oral tissues, causing burns, swelling, allergic reactions, including possibly causing nausea and vomiting.
7. Overtime, dentures can become loose or twisted, making it uncomfortable to wear or unhygienic to use. It is advised to visit your dentist for oral examination, and to check on your dentures if they are still in good condition and still suitable to use.
8. If the denture is loose, causing sore and irritation where in some cases causing wound and infection. You must make an appointment for the dentist to check and fix it immediately.
Additionally, in using dentures, the following are things you should avoid:
1. Do not use improper cleaning equipment, such as hard brushes, scrubs, or cleaning agents that are too strong.
2. Avoid using toothpaste for teeth whitening to clean dentures, because these toothpaste contain peroxide that can change the color of the material
3. Avoid soaking dentures in hot or boiling water, because the heat will cause the material to shrink and damage it.
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